The kid never lets me down...

The day before the opener we went scouting and I filmed these prime birds.

Opening day finally rolls around and I awake to Thomas grinding the beans.
He has been yearning for opening day as we are frequently seeing and hearing the big birds of spring.
We leave the house at dark and drive the few short miles past the lake and park near the horse corrals.
We make a short hike to our favorite meadow and set our decoys in the right spot.
We hurry back to our makeshift blind and anxiously await sunrise.
As the chill of a frosty evening wanes, the sounds of nature surround us.
A great horned owl hoots eerily in the distance as the darkness fades and songbirds greet the warming rays of the sun.
As the glow of day break crests the eastern mountains we are startled by the booming gobbles of resident longbeards.
I make a few calls and in response get another chorus of gobbles.
Then silence....

The adrenaline is building.....

From our left I suddenley see the bright colors of a big tom.
His face is blushing bright red as he tries to court our hen decoy.
The big tom fans his beautiful tail and fluffs his plumage in full strut at about 40 yards.
Thomas comes to full draw behind the large oak tree concealing his movement from the sharp eyes of his ever vigilant quarry.
The unmistakeable "THWACK" of carbon fiber smashing feathers and flesh tell the story.
The bird flaps in defeat as Thomas lays his Bowtech Allegiance on the decomposing oak leaves to retrieve his trophy.

With a smile that reflects his proud accomplishment my son brings his beautiful prize back to our blind.

Pride overwhelms me as I am witness to the evolution of my young sportsman.

This is a smoker of a bird with a full eleven inch beard.
Thomas sits at the top of the heap of the local youth turkey contest with his gorgeous longbeard.
He never lets me down....Ever.

I look forward with great anticipation to our fall big game hunts as Thomas will be at my side as we hunt blacktail deer locally then journey to to the mountain wilderness of Wyoming to hunt trophy bull elk and mule deer.
I'ts all coming together....
Best wishes...