The buck of a life time for me. It wouldn't have made Pope and Young but was for sure the best buck I have ever had an opportunity to shoot with a bow. A minimum of a 4x4 for sure as I did not count the points and focused on the task of getting a good shot. Well here is how it all went

6:30 PM...Two bucks come walking down the ridge. 2x2 and the big boy. They meander around for a while in front of my other ground blind. I started to kick myself in the ass for not sitting there. They go down by the creek and disapear for a while.

6:45 PM...A pheasant starts to cackle and the two bucks come jumping out of the creek bed and head my direction.

6:50 PM...Big buck presents a 33 yard shot. Draw, hold 30 pin on the lungs, squeez release trigger, and let her fly. The buck takes a step forward and jumps the string and takes a hard left. I heard the arrow hit and thought it was a decent shot. The buck runs up the hill about twenty yards and stops. He stood there with his back hunched and head down like it was about to fall over.

6:55 PM...Buck still standing. Starting to second guess the shot. Finally he starts to walk a little but definatley showing signs that he is hurt. I decide that he might need another arrow in him. Start to stalk but he walks off into the canyon.

7:00 PM...I see him one more time and he takes off up the canyon. I go to the last place I seen him and mark the blood trail. I check the shot area and find the arrow. At first the arrow looked clean then I picked it up and gave it a whiff. OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! My worst fear as a bow hunter; a stinky arrow with grain and grass on it. Son of a mother f'n bitch, a stomach shot. Went to the spot where he stood for a while and found some decent bleeding. Figured I know what trail he is on, and I will give him a while to lay down a die.

7:30 PM...Call my wife to see if she would come and help me track him down. She agrees and we set a meeting location. I spend the time waiting for her getting the frame pack, lattern, flashlights, knives sharpened and other pack out stuff ready.

8:45 PM...On our way up the canyon

9:00 PM...On the blood trail

11:00 PM...Have tracked the blood for 3/4 to 1 mile to the top of the canyon/draw. Blood drops and wipes were getting further apart. Last blood found where the trail splits 2 to 3 directions.

11:45 PM...Cant find any evidence of which direction he went. Spend the next 45 min just following trails. Pitch black wading through hip to chest high grass and weeds. No more blood and no sign.

12:30 AM...Both of us had to work next day so I call off the search. Ridding home with waves of anger and sadness. I was hoping to wake up from this nightmare.

1:30 AM...In bed sawing logs in dream land.

6:00 AM...Alarm clock is blasting Guns and Roses, Welcome to the Jungle. I wake up from a dream land back into my nightmare of a lost buck.

8:53 AM...Re-tracing and reflecting on events.

Well I hope to get out of here early so I can go get another look in the light. The meat is no doubt spoiled beyond the point of eating when the temps will be in the low 80's this afternoon. I owe it the buck and myself to search some more.
For some of us, a bad day of fishing is a bad day at work.

j7 2012