Originally Posted By: blue water pro
Originally Posted By: Irie

My favorite gems in this one:

(Native Hawaiians are native Americans, but they're never called "Native Americans".)"

Hmm, Hawaii is connected by land to the americas, thereby making Hawiians native americans......

(And was also a independent nation until 110 years ago until overthrown by US businessmen.)

One of the ways I have heard it told over the years, forgetting the fact though that when the businessmen were 'overthowing' the Hawaiian Kingdom, US military ships lowered their guns into fire mode & the US military outright defied a presidential order to put the queen back on her thrown. Queen Lili'uokalani ordered that not a drop of blood be shed, believing that the diplomacy between the nations would in time be honored- And that there is the argument.


I skirted the deeper issue of Hawaiians having/being a sovereign nation. I used the geography analogy to point out how ignorant the orginal writer was/is.

Did you ever feel like a "Native American" growing up in Hawaii? We are all just "people" as far as I can tell. How you define yourself says something about you as a person. How you define "other people" says even more...

And I'm still voting for RonPaul (Thanks Dogfish!)

Edited by Mikespike (10/07/08 12:52 PM)
Don't believe everything that you think.

"Holy hell son, you're about as useful as a cock flavored lollipop."