Not only are you insulting McCain with your sniveling.. you insult my son who served tours in Afghanistan & Iraq. Like SJ said, you whiners seem to forget how it came to be that you still have the freedom to pontificate your lefty B.S. on the internet. People like McCain, Kennedy, Bush Sr., Washington, and yes even Kerry.. Remember who bought you that freedom.
Slam me all you want I don't give a damn, but lay off the vets who fought for you. I myself had orders for 'Nam, but America withdrew, and my orders were recinded. Yes I was relieved of that burden to fight, but would have followed those orders without hesitation. Notice I didn't say 'without question', as 'Nam was not a declared war but a police action. But I still would have done my duty, with Honor. Could you lefties say the same???
AKA Knuckledragger