If you are trying to upload images without modifying them first, your file size and display size will be much larger than needed, or than will work for many sites.

A 4mp (4 million pixel)camera shooting in 2x3 aspect ratio will likely be about 2700x1400 pixels, roughly. In full quality form, most images probably be around 2-3mb's, which will be slow to load, email, etc.

Do you have a photo editing program on your computer, one that would have come with your camera by chance? Photo Laboratory and Photo Browser come with most pentax camera's I think. I am a Mac guy and haven been on a PC for quite a while now, so some of the points might differ just a bit.

I shoot and import in full quality and then re-size photos based on what I am going to do with them. For a quick posting on the internet or something, a 500 pixel wide image is about right visually and at 72dpi, it is a very small file which loads quickly and doesn't bog down pages.

Whichever photo editing program you have on your PC should allow you to set the resolution to 72 and change the image size (in pixels, inches, or both) and then export/save the new file. From the upload to the internet by one of any number of means.

As you said, perhaps, in the end, more trouble than it is worth, but not as bad as it may seem once you get the hang of it. And all for what, so a bunch of dudes sitting at a computer can wish they were outside even more smile
I am still not a cop.

EZ Thread Yarn Balls

"I don't care how you catch them, as long as you treat them well and with respect." Lani Waller in "A Steelheader's Way."