I hunted the Mulchatna back in '98.
Met up with a buddy who lives in Eagle River, we went with Glen Alsworth of Lake Clark Air on a drop off DIY hunt.
We took four very nice bulls
Think the whole thing cost about 4 grand for two bulls.
They supplied the food & gear.
We had a great time.

The Mulchatna was just starting to show signs of decline then.
Then it really got bad, the herd split or crashed and good bulls were damn tough to find.
Very poor hunting there for some time.
I think it is starting to improve now, but if I recall they cut the limit to one bull.

The Western Arctic Herd out of Kotzebue are far stronger than in the Mulchatna right now.
Though a slightly smaller caribou your odds of success are much greater.It will cost you a bit more to fly up there, but you will most likley see WAY more mature bulls.

Ron Aldridge runs a very good outfit out of Kotzebue, he offers drop camps as well for $2.700.