I was immediately concerned by the change in his demeanor and countenance after having received his first intelligence brief.

What concerns me most is that no matter which of the two political parties is in power there has been a continual erosion of civil rights and, even though its as plain on the noses on our faces, left and right both continue to decry the other as being to blame (libs want our guns!!) (righty wants our privacy!!)...

In our self-reightousneess we are failing to see that on the point of eroding freedoms there is much common ground. IMO, this common ground could potentially be used to divide and conquer the washington we have come to loathe and abhor.

A gays for guns/guns for gays coalition for example. I can't see where this particular example would ever gain that much traction but the idea is sound.

I also think Newt's suggestion of a third party is one party too few. Given Obama's seeming unwillingness to address the wishes of those hoping for the scope of change that was promised, I feel like Ron Paul will get even more attention next election, especially from the left.

I must say though that the thought of rubbing elbows with the likes of homophobes and racists that pervade libertarianism...militia groups, John Birch Society types etc...makes my skin crawl. They get an awful lot of the big picture economically speaking right though.

Its hard to make compromises with those whose ideologies we abhor. Its about time we at least consider the possibility though, before this thing gets so far away from us we find ourselves being asked to voluntarily board trains for our own safety (and no, I'm not kidding).
"Christmas is an American holiday." - micropterus101