
A 6 wt is a good choice for a first fly rod. FYI, the 9' 5 wt has become the most popular "all around" choice for trout fishing. A 6 is a good trout rod as well, and can work for summer steelhead, but most experienced steelheaders consider it too light, especially for a beginner at steelhead fly fishing. There are very few bad fly rods made these days, so you can get a good rod at most any price point. However, be aware that the few bad rods in the marketplace do occur at the lowest price points. You can get a good rod for around $100, especially if you use Ebay, CL, or Sierra Trading Post which carries a lot of closeouts.

The reel drag is irrelevant on a 5 or 6 wt trout rod. You could carry your fly line in your pocket except it would get all tangled. Any kind of drag is perfectly fine on a trout reel. I use old fashioned spring and pawl, even for bonefish up to 9#, steelhead in the 20s, and have never had any problem.

Flies depend on what you're fishing for and where you're fishing and when you're fishing. That said, it's hard to go wrong with some parachute adams in 12, 14, 16, stimulators in yellow and orange in 12 & 14, BWO in 14, 16, PMD in 16, 18. For nymphs you'll never go wrong with a few Prince in 12, 14, gold ribbed hare's ear in 12, 14, 16, a stonefly or two, . . . and the list goes on. It's almost time for sea run cutthroats in the rivers, so get a Knudsen's spider in traditional yellow, and black - black has always been best for me, so I mainly fish a Spade in 6 or 8. These can get you started.
