I switched to 200# PP last Christmas (present) on both riggers and it is a blessing.

- Fished blackies down to 250/260-feet off Vashon and had a field day when others couldn't come close to bottom and shook their heads. Continuous bottom thumps too!

- 3 crab pots, one bucket, rusted net ring, and no frays.

I'll reverse the lines this winter and get at least another year outta them.

Some of the things I have noticed:

- Line will bunch up on the lower or upper portion of the spool.
- Make sure to have at least 3-stoppers vice two. Super glue them!
- Line stuck together in the icy weather when fishing.. I thought I might lose a ball and gear. The line so so frozen that it hinged!
- Tends to slide over the block instead of the block rolling with retrieval when new.
- Re-tie your snap at least monthly.

All minor stuff in nature...

Great stuff. Never thought I would give up the wire and black box, but I was tired of replacing wire every 6-months with the amount of frays I was getting.