Blue winged olive duns and emergers in tiny sizes (18s and 20s), even on sunny days but best on overcast or drizzly afternoons. Last year was a very good year for October Caddis after the middle of September. A size 8 or 10 Elk Hair Caddis with an orange body answers nicely as will any number of October Caddis steelhead waking patterns. Adult October Caddis live for a couple of weeks after hatching and have to come back to the water to drink so you don't have to wait until dark for the egg-laying females to appear.

A large (8-10) orange-bodied, brown-hackled soft hackle will do for an October Caddis pupa. These pupae will swim around in sheltered water for several days before crawling ashore to emerge as adults and represent a large and vulnerable meal to the trout.

Edited by Preston Singletary (09/10/09 11:00 AM)