Originally Posted By: 4Salt
Ya know the neat thing about the types of frivolous lawsuits that you're describin' Marz?

They don't make it to trial. They're tossed out on their merits during the preliminary hearings.

So you can sleep well tonight... secure in the knowledge that despite Obama's best efforts to control EVERY aspect of our daily lives... our Legal system is still chuggin' along.

No, they are not.

I work for a scooter manufacture and suit is brought upon us a couple times a year for exactly those type of things.

Most of the lawyers expect us to settle instead of spending the money on airfare, lawyer fees, hotels, etc. as they make an offer to settle for around what the expense of fighting these would be and albeit much easier to do, I have a boss with a soul that refuses to settle when principals are at stake.

Personal injury suits are rampant in this country due to lawyers that will take cases for no out of pocket and induce a situation that makes it cheaper and easier for the company in question to settle whether they are right or wrong. When it will cost a company thousands to fight, the settlement offers are more convenient.

So although you convince yourself these things don't happen, in all actuality they do, often, and no they do not get thrown out before trial.

Dont fool yourself into thinking that because one is an individual and one is a company that the individual is deserving, right or even honest.

As far as the thread topic, if you guys like this Sonstien guy, have at it, sounds like an elitist full of theories that are coming to the test bed of the US to me but I guess I am the odd man out on that one.

Edited by Marz (09/11/09 12:54 PM)