Originally Posted By: Twitch

Poison Oak...that's my b!tch right now...

+1 Poison Oak has made it impossible for me to fish certain rivers anymore.

I hardly ever get sick,and i never have had a flu shot. Oh BTW...

"In March 1990, while he was a national spokesperson for the Green Party, Icke claims he received a message from the spirit world through a medium, identified by The Guardian as Betty Shine, a medium from Brighton. She told him he was a healer who had been chosen for his courage and sent to heal the earth, and that he had been directed into football to learn discipline. He was going to leave politics and would become famous, she said, writing five books in three years, and one day there would be a great earthquake, and the "sea will reclaim land," because human beings were abusing the earth.

When Icke told the Green Party leadership what he had experienced, he was banned from speaking on their behalf at public meetings."


Edited by avid angler (10/07/09 10:15 PM)