Due to Thanksgiving Day, our meeting will be moved up one week to Thursday, 19 November, time 6:30 PM. This meeting will be moved to Spiro’s Pizza in Silverdale, Pizza is on us. Things are moving along nicely on the Banquet. Tentative schedule of meetings between now and Banquet are as follows and are mostly going to be held at All Star Lanes. Month of December, Thurs 3 Dec, and Thurs 17 Dec. Month of January, 2010, Thurs 7 Jan, and Thurs 21 Jan. Month of February 2010, Thurs 11 Feb, and Thurs 25 Feb. Month of March, 2010, Thurs 4 Mar, Thurs 11 Mar, Thurs 18 Mar, Thurs 25 Mar….Banquet and Auction on Saturday 27 March, doors to open at 4:30 PM.

This coming meeting will be mostly Banquet and Auction, hope to see a good turnout as many hands make for light work. The hall we have rented for this event will hold an honest 250 good folks so early ticket sales are going to be important. At the request of Clay Dickerson, Vancoover has made us up some new membership forms which tell a bit about what the CCA has accomplished, looks like a great tool for new membership. These will be available at the upcoming meeting.

Meeting Location, Spiro’s Pizza, 3201 Bucklin Hill Rd, Silverdale, Wa.

Chuck Gauthier
Pres Kitsap Chapter CCA
A little common sense is good, more is better.
Kitsap Chapter CCA