Got a question for you fly guys. I build rods as a hobby and at present I am working on a 6wt Batson blank. I have a preference for utilizing single foot ceramic guides in the top section of a two piece rather than the traditional wire.

That said is there any real difference in performance as it relates to the guide height from the rod shaft? In casting rods using concept spacing it makes considerable difference as to sensitivity of the rod low riders matched up to distance between / matched to the spline is the ball game so to speak. A guy in Delaware got me using a spacing similar to concept spacing on a casting rod as you can create a far more responsive rod by maintaining pressure evenly through the arch in the shaft when fighting a fish.

As fly rods basically hang line similar to a spinning rod it would seem that the guide height from the blank would be more a personal choice or am I out to lunch here?
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in