Marsha, you said - "Eddie, Hubris? It's incredible that anyone would think AFTER creating the imbalance that we wouldn't need to correct it. It's not hubris to be responsible and fixing the problem we cause."

So, if this is our responsibility, how do you get to the point that individuals can take the law into their own hands and make the correct and prudent decision? Collectively, we rarely make the right decisions, for an individual (or individuals) to make a good resource decision is virtually impossible. You may defend these jokers all you want, I will stand by my comment that these individuals are full of hubris and pride. They think they know better than everyone else and have the right to make decsions unilaterally that impact us all. I hope they are caught and prosecuted.
"You're not a g*dda*n looney Martini, you're a fisherman"

R.P. McMurphy - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest