
I agree with your sentiments to an extent. I think the message this chief is trying to convey is one of personal responsibilty in one's life.

When you mentioned your happiest time as rebuilding a fixer with your wife keep in mind that you were doing something productive for yourself and your family. What you were not doing was standing around and wondering why someone else wasn't fixing your house for you. I believe it is that general attitude that this chief is trying to get his tribe away from.

From the results in the article it looks as if his policies have worked and members of his tribe are generally accepting of his new method of leadership. There is certainly something to be said for the confidence that can come out of being self-sufficient. Money may be the root of all evil but this article has nothing to do with money and everything to do with responsibility and pride in one's self.

Edited by StinkingWaters (04/07/10 11:01 AM)
On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.