Yeah, I've been battling the fleas on a very regular basis... not really a big deal. It just kind of comes with the territory. I bought some puppy flea shampoo and have used it twice. The first time, it didn't seem to make a dent. Last night, I filled up the tub to lower belly depth and did it again with more soap and a flea comb and got 4 off into the tub. In the 2 days before that, I think I've pulled off another 18 to 20 with the flea comb and/or by hand alone. I think I've got most of them off but definitely not all of them. It is a tough cycle to break without the serious chemicals (which I'm hoping to avoid at least for now). Wash bedding, vacuum the carpet daily, and stay vigilent with the flea comb. Unfortunately, the flea lifecycle isn't conducive to easy, quick fixes. Puppies are so squirmy that you usually have to try to get the fleas when the dog is sleeping or tired. I have learned that black dogs make it WAY more difficult to find and catch those buggers.

I saw I missed your call last night Art. I'll give you a call this afternoon.