As has been discussed at length around here, coho can be a tough nut to crack. Just when you think you have them dialed in, they teach you otherwise. That said, I think coho are a lot like most fish in that the presentation likely plays a larger part in getting them to bite than the lure.

I have personally had a few different presentations work, but none seems to be more productive over time than the others. I've had them hit a stripped fly, a swung fly, and even a dead drift presentation at times. On one occasion, I took several fish from the same drift with a greased-line presentation, steelhead style. Lately, however, I have been having trouble getting them to succumb to any of my old tricks, and as tends to happen after extended periods of skunking, I am beginning to question my methods.

Do any of you have favorite presentations for silvers you would like to share? Fly selection is not the intent of this topic, but if it seems vital to the method in question, then please feel free to suggest "magic" bugs.