I had some good info on the the north fork of the CDA last year but wasn't able to take advantage of it.

Chronies..??? I think technique is more important than a particular pattern. You've fished chronies under indicators and I think you've done good on them. Were you in a bellyboat or a regular boat that was anchored? I might have some "tips" if you were in a bellyboat.

On Yellowstone... the "master" doesn't have the same level of results in running water as he does in lakes. Don't know why that is, but it's a definite fact. Then again the only running water I fish lately are Rocky Ford, Yakima and the Metolius. RF and the Metolius are classed as tough water, but for some reason I do the best on RF of all 3.

Yellowstone fishing might be different as I'm targetting smaller streams like the ones I used to fish in PA and the ones I fish in our Cascades.

Keep some time free in September as I'll be going back to my "secret lake" when the water cools down. Should be leech time then.

Were you able to get a good camping spot at Chopaka? It's always fun to visit that lake.

Thank you for your kind words of offering a sacrifice.
zen leecher