Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
What secret Coley? Beads are all over the webz re WA steelheading, and have been for a couple years or more.

I was being a little sarcastic and mainly just giving our golden boy a hard time...in good humor.

Of course fishing the bead isn't a secret anywhere folks fish for trout and/or steelhead. That having been said, there is a huge difference in the number of people fishing them and their level of skill at doing so between WA/OR and other places farther north.

I have been quietly waiting and wondering when the bead revolution will sweep the west coast. Perhaps never, as there seems to be more of a wide spread loyalty to style over effectiveness in those parts.

The fact that one can hardly find a decent selection of beads in any shop down thataway speaks to the limited interest in the method...thus far.
I am still not a cop.

EZ Thread Yarn Balls

"I don't care how you catch them, as long as you treat them well and with respect." Lani Waller in "A Steelheader's Way."