Sorry joined this a bit late and just caught the tail end of it. About the gays in the military, funny thing about that. A former Marine joined the National Guard and deployed with us in 06-07. The unit get backs and go everyone goes their separate ways. It turns out this guy got a gender change while still serving in the National Guard. This act of demanification was APPROVED by good 'ol Gregoire as he had to submit a request to do so. So if gays want to be in the military they just need to get a sex change and it will all be hunky dory.

Also I believe more things are classified now due to the different tactics that are being employed to combat and prevent terrorism. If a lot of that information got out we could lose some seriously GREAT AMERICANS that are deep in "Indian Country". As for the childish , oh we don't trust Iran or Syria or whomever BS, that shouldn't be classified as it has no affect on our National Security.