Originally Posted By: AP a.k.a. Kaiser D
You can't anchor a raft in the same spots as a db (at least not with the same amount of weight).

The drag of the water on the raft is WAY more than the drag of the water on a driftboat.

So, you'll likely need more weight to keep a raft anchored in the same water.

+1 what AP said.

There is also the issue of optimum anchor weight range, which varies as much with boat design as with boat type. However, this range will be definitely be greater with a DB than with a raft.

Simply adding more weight to hold against drag may not be an effective solution, as it will also increase drag, change weight distribution and also make the anchor more difficult and slower to raise.

Not to mention, over anchoring can get you into some serious trouble. I've seen more river boats (of all types) taken by anchors than by sweepers. Lost a few anchors myself in a DB and I can't imagine trying to break one free in a raft. wink
Matt. 8:27   The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”