Originally Posted By: CedarR
UW by 12 1/2 was the line going into tonight's game. I really thought they would win by more. The team that's been on the floor the last two games doesn't look anything like the team that was putting up 100 points on teams earlier in the year. Isaiah looks tired, the rest of the team seems unfocused, and the second half of league play is just beginning. Another tough game against an Oregon opponent coming up. Guess we will find out how this team handles adversity. Good win OSU.


First things first,
Romar is a great individual, a great recruiter and a great leader for a program like UW basketball. Class act all around

Defensively, he's a pretty good coach. We never get torched for 80-90-100 points. However, X's and O's, particularly on offense, not so much. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Romar/UW fan just as much as anyone, but I don't think Romar is a great coach offensively, especially in close games or against teams that play good defense.... If the Huskies were in a close game with 2 minutes to play in the 2nd half, Romar isn't the guy I'd want coaching...

IMO, UW misses having an X's & O's/Fundemental coach... Ken Bone used to be Romars assistant coach, wish he was still on Romar's bench because Romar doesn't have a great offensive system.

Romar's offenses have always relied on a creator (Thomas, Brandon Roy, Brockman, QP, Nate Rob) to lead the offense and create for others or a shooter (Tre Simmons, Ryan Appleby) who can spread the defense. When these guys are off their game or when we play a team that plays stiff D, seems like we tend to fall flat because Romar doesn't have great offensive plays set up for teams who control the tempo and play GOOD defense.

We saw that with Stanford and WSU earlier. That was the problem with Gaddy, he never did much except make the obvious pass or catch and pass to someone else standing around the three point line. IT is a much better fit at point because he can run the offense and create opportunities for others by being a scoring threat. Romar's UW teams have always been up tempo run and shoot type offenses, in close games where we can't run on the other team, we don't fair very well because we don't have much success offensively because of a lack of a good offensive system...

Hope the Dawgs can fire themselves up to beat Oregon next...2nd half of the Pac 10 season, time to start winning. Go Dawgs