This is a pointless debate like most so I will tell a little story and bow out.I tend to thank people that work any job for $18 k a year. Call me a fool but sometimes I even buy them a latte or lunch for no reason. If I get into Mr Peabodys way back time machine I remember hauling washed rock in 5 gallon buckets installing drain tiles in Dec for $2.75 an hour. I remember thinking I was real smart and asked the owner of the company why he did not just buy a backhoe and he said "why when you guys are cheaper". I may have even had an opinion like Mcmahons back then, hard not to be cranky after 40 hours of back breaking labor. Hard not to feel slighted when you work that hard and drive by people in $250k cars wearing $50k watches. The less education you have the more likley you are to feel that way. So call me a sentimental fool but I have some empathy for these people. I never have taken part in any of the programs directly but I have indirectly. My dad was drafted into Vietnam and left my mom with three kids to support. She had an 8th grade education, in the 60’s made it tough to find a job let alone a job that paid well. We ended up living in a housing project a using food stamps until my dad returned from Vietnam , about 2 years. She is a hard working lady and has been employed by the same company since 1967. She was just in a place and time where she needed a hand up. Through our church we help support several people like this that through circumstance out of their control need a little help above what government programs can provide. I see how they live and as tempting as it is to bitch about our system, govt. waste and taxes I see real people and real benefit. Is it perfect no but is anything in life perfect? If you want to bitch about your taxes I have a few people I can have you spend sometime with and once you do you will not bitch about your taxes any longer, if you do you are not human. It’s simple for me I keep my life simple, money power and material things do not mean much to me I don’t need to measure myself against others possessions or lifestyle. I understand it is not easy for others to accept that they do not get to directly keep 100% of what they earn and distribute it how they choose or to keep it or that they are carrying other people on their back because of that system. But the bottom line is we are all in this thing together and we all benefit from it from top to bottom.
Once you go black you never go back