Dave, you just about described Boris to perfection. I haven't weighed him recently but I'd say he is definitely between 80 and 90 pounds and, just as you said, long, tall and relatively lean. It also seems like he isn't done growing.

Boris also has the red eyes, particularly when sleepy.

His level of swimming enthusiasm sounds similar to Tye. He WILL swim but doesn't see much reason for it. At the same time, he has absolutely no fear of the water. His retrieving is similarly casual. He also does the head diving thing and is curious of sunken sticks.

For the first couple of months, he was into chewing on socks. That stopped for a few months but more recently, he seems to have a sock fetish and is becoming a hoarder. He'll root through a bunch of clothes to find the used socks and then either take them in his crate or to his pillow, sometimes collecting several before I notice. Generally, he just wants them around and doesn't actually want to destroy/chew on them. When I confront him, he immediately goes into "shame" mode and lays down with his head between his paws. Just cute enough to get out of any harsh punishement.

My girlfriend says he's got it all figured out.

GreenDrifter is up at my house with his girlfriend and his gf's dog (6 year old chocolate). Boris is in full-on hump mode with her.

I'll try to put up some more recent photos on this thread (not of the attempted humping).