Originally Posted By: superfly
water.........Caught a majorityof my steelhead as a youngster on the Snoq, Sky, tolt, Skag, Ducka, Dosey on a very similair rig with a Fenwick fs 79 and a mitchell 300, Apperantly my old man says he still has my old rods hanging in the garage......................pretty cool

Anyways when me and Zog worked together a few years back I gave him a giat jar of oakies, he about creamed his jeans.
Its funny how some of the old dinosaurs still produce with that good old gear that has tested the stands of time and modern day materials !!!

I am sure I will get a call for those laqst two lines.


You gave him some okies too??

I traded him some okies for info on a certain springer run. He got a bunch of okies and I got a 34 pound springer............

Who go the better of THIS deal ??
