Fixed the original post. It was surprisingly easy and surprisingly accurate.

BTW that trashy bit of hyperbole only served to prove my tag line.

Obama has been a target of the right's wrath from the moment he was nominated for president. Many liberals have tried to explain why.

Some say its jealousy, which is true; Obama is a handsome man with a lovely wife. He's also a self-made man; Obama has risen to power on his own, without the coattails of husband or father.

Some liberals believe that the hatred is a result of brainwashing; this is true, as well. Conservatives respond robotically, like Pavlov's dogs, whenever Obama’s name is uttered.

But there's a darker reason for the abject hatred of Obama, and the clues can be found in that Catskill Mountains bunk. Because evil can manifest when people project their own badness and shame onto another.

People on the right hate Obama for one simple reason: because he is everything they are not. He is their polar opposite because her life journey has diverged from the prescribed conservative path.

Obama was raised to be self-sufficient and independent since "idle hands are the devil's tools." Obama was up at the crack of dawn, doing community organizing, in sharp contrast, conservative kids like me were still fast asleep.

Obama didn't have life handed to him on a silver platter, like so many in the ruling class. Instead, he balanced school, chores, jobs, and sports. While conservatives girls like me were glued to the boob tube, Obama had no time for sloth. Obama attended church with her family on Sundays. On Sunday morning, conservatives like me were recovering from Saturday night.

From his devout Christian upbringing, Barrack learned to be a good man. In contrast, I learned everything I needed to know about how to be a modern girl from the monthly *New Republic*, which was conspicuously displayed on our living room table.

Barrack dated and then married his college sweetheart; I learned that my body was a commodity that I "owned." And I could use my body -- and allow it to be used -- to temporarily still the pangs of loneliness.
There's a lyric from a Matt Maher song that always moves me to tears. It's when he cries out to God: "Where were you when sin stole my innocence?"

When I hear these words, an unspeakable pain cuts through me. I feel the ache of something stolen from me -- something precious, never quite recovered. And there are countless others out there, similarly robbed, though they have no idea what has gone missing.

And then, out of the blue, Barrack Obama, like a majestic bird in flight, swooped onto the scene of a depraved and deprived nation. With his children and his religion and his patriotism, Barrack is the antithesis of everything the conservatives stand for. Barak is not just pro-choice, but she emanates life -- and good, clean living.

And what does the right do? They try to drag him through the mud to sully him. The hardcore among them want to *eliminate* him, even if this means putting his life at risk.

The conservatives “joke" about lynching, make pornographic about Michelle, and leer at his ass. (Would any of this be tolerated against Rush Limbaugh?)

Barracks church was torched desecrated the primary, a vicious crime that was hushed up by the Faux. And now, with the smears about him being a Muslim, death threats against Barrack have soared.

The conservatives, like that brutal gang of abandoned girls, want to drag Barrack down into the gutter with them; they want to spoil him. Of course, their efforts will be futile; Barrack is fueled by a Spirit that isn't simply his own.

Edited by Dave Vedder (02/22/11 02:48 PM)
No huevos no pollo.