Don't want to chop the NRS cataraft frame down that I currently have to fit a raft so looking for trade/swap instead.

Looking to trade: 2 - 72" cataraft yokes, 2 - 72" crossbars (one w/rower seat mount attatched), 2 - 72" action seat bars w/seat mounts attatched

Wanting: 2 - 60" crossbars (one w/rower seat mount attatched), 1 - 60" action seat bar w/seat mount attatched, 1 - 60" drop footbar frame, 1 - U-shaped front thigh bar.

Thanks for looking.

(Also have one green/gray 12' Aire pontoon never used for anyone that may be interested, #1195 D101.)
TEAM Rainbow/Waterfall/Unicorn/Tecate/Zig Zag PRO STAFF