Unfortunately there is a side to their past which is sad. Many of them had to stand in line for hours waiting to pay exorbitant prices for second grade food. All because their G** D*** government was too busy spending money on trying to keep their people inside it's borders and building missles. Sucker, carp and tench probably taste good to them after what their government has been feeding them. However, what bothers me, without getting into a political discussion,is that freedom is earned and not everything is free, as many think. We as Americans, although we may not like some of our laws,obey them on the most part. Freedom is a responsibility and not a right. If we didn't put regulations and limits on our resources, then what would we have? We understand this and I don't think that some people coming to this land do. While trying to preserve a resource by releasing the fish, he found an opportunity to exploit it, illegally. My intent was to educate the gentleman on just one of our laws. smile I doubt very much that much of a fine came out of it, but maybe a stiff warning. If I accomplished that, we are making headway.
I will now step down from my political soapbox laugh and please, no tomatoes <e or no e? Come on guys help me out, I feel like Dan Quail in a spelling bee! laugh laugh rolleyes