Dammit! Editing privileges expired on the original placeholders! What gives? Hey Parker or Ryley.... can you grant me extended edit rights?

OK... adding on where I left off.

Day 5...

Back to the Wall. How could we not return after how good it treated us the previous morning. It would be another banner daybreak bite on my favorite tidewater run. We would go 4 for 11 with Tanner' being the designated HOT rod for the morning.... four ripping good king grabs before he finally stuck a fish!

Here's a couple of C&R sequences of Tanner and myself with a pair of fresh chrome hens.

Here's Tanner hooked up:

Fish in the bag.... oh yeah!

Settin' up the C&R stills:

Then it's the good doc's turn to bounce one up.... livin' life "Off The Wall". Props to Wayne for digitally documenting the moment with my Canon D10.

Here's Noel taking me ashore to beach another chrome hen...

Gettin' busy... time to claim my prize!

Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Big head shakes as I try to lead her ashore...

Yeah baby, she's ALL mine....

Another high finner for the gravel!

Spent the afternoon hunting for more fillets for the cooler. After brunch, we parked our Predator on the Honeymoon Bar to floss up a wheelbarrow full of sox for Noel and Art. No artsy fartsy fNp pics here, thank you.... just whackin' and stackin' in grand Alaskan style.

"Let every angler who loves to fish think what it would mean to him to find the fish were gone." (Zane Grey)

"If you don't kill them, they will spawn." (Carcassman)

The Keen Eye MD
Long Live the Kings!