Just got back from the Vedder. We decided to stick it out and stay for the rest of our trip since my buddy drove 10 hours to get there. We just made sure the car was within site at all times. BTW - Had a good day of fishing on Thursday. 3 kings landed, and a few lost....my arm hurts. Also caught a couple of nice coho Friday morning before I left....in the canal on dick nites. No one was catching anything. I changed to a dick nite and had two on in three casts. Then some flyfisherman came and stood in the hole and scared the rest of the fish away. I heard a couple people talking across the river while I was fighting the fish "It's an American!" maybe it was the slashers. I guess they knew I was from the USA since I'm not a corksoaker. My buddy saw a car with slashed tires on the way out on Friday along the canal. He said the car had Idaho plates. Sounds like it is more than one person to me.....