Originally Posted By: Sol Duc
Why do these earthers wear so loud spandex print shirts? Talk about ghey. grin

As worthless as most of your posts are, this one is slightly different. I have lots of bike jerseys that I wear, but some are strategic selections. Mainly I want to be seen to reduce the chance of being hit. My favorite to wear when riding in red-neck mulletville where every pickup has a rear window gun rack is my stars and stripes US flag jersey. I'm no more patriotic than the next guy, but this jersey seems to put me in good stead with the mullet guy and get a thumbs up instead of him tossing his giant-size Mountain Dew container at the cyclists he passes along the road.

It still seems that the main resentment toward bikes in this thread is that motorists see themselves as being inconvenienced by the presence of bikes on the road. Bikes are required to follow the rules of the road, but many of them don't, just as motorists are required to follow the rules of the road, and many of them don't either. The easiest option is to adopt a share the road attitude because the road transportation system is going to get worse and not better. The stuff Aunty is describing about transportation planning is correct. Transportation engineers have long known that we cannot build our way out of highway congestion, and it will get worse. If you cannot or will not change your attitude about driving, your frustration will increase, and you can count on that. The human population of WA increases by about 50,000 people per year and isn't going to slow down any during the next several decades. Just understand that each and every one of them has the same expectations of a place on the road for themselves that you do. If you're a smart person, you can figure out that isn't going to work.

BTW, when I'm riding I don't wait until there's 5 of you behind me before I pull over to let the cars by. And I have very few problems with motorists when I'm riding except for the very occasional asshole, which is better than when I'm driving.
