HBP, I shot Hevi-Shoot all season this year and it is a good product. There are a few things I can share with you that may be helpful. First, the ammo is available from the factory at $320 a flat. Thats 250 shells, which works out to $1.28 per shot. Any group of guys can get together and get the "club" price. There is no minimum order size. Second, It is as good as the stories say it is, BUT you have to be able to put it on the bird. The pattern is very very tight and a lot of our club members have had a problem being that "on". That includes me as well. Some days I can hit and some days I'm off. At our club we have
a lot of back-up shooting as it is really a controlled gang shoot when more than 6 or 7 hunters are together. It will take mallards cleanly at 60 plus yards and I have dumped steele hit cripples at more than 80. There is no reason to shoot at a bird at such a distance unless it is an attempt to dispatch a wounded bird. Please do not think that as a sportsman I would take such a shot under any other circumstances. What the product has done is bring back to life the almost lost art of pass-shooting. There is no reason to switch from steele for those birds taken
over decoys in my humble opinion. It is a great product however for those with a legitimate need for extended range shot shells.