There are a number of places in Thurtson county that are firearms restriction zones where you can only hunt with shotguns, pistols, or muzzleloaders. This area is basically anywhere north of I-5 and hwy 101.

I like to use shotguns in the thick reprod areas where you might have a pretty close shot, or in the heavy timber. I suggest you limit your range to 75 yards, unless you have had plenty of practice. Those big hunks of lead and copper have some loopy trajectories.

The Capitol Forest in southwestern Thurston county has lots of ground suitable for a shotgun, as well as the 501 Lincoln unit in Lewis county. One other area is on Simpson land in the Lynch road area near Shelton.

Best of Luck. Andy
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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