I bought the parkerized Ulti-mag and did the camo job myself. Cost me about 8 bucks in paint. Very simple to do. The ducks and geese don't care if you have the latest and greatest camo pattern. While cool, I have a hard time justifying the added expense some companies charge for the feature. Some companies want as much as $100 or more for the feature.

If the gun isn't a collectors item, the paint shouldn't matter. In one case I couldn't sell an old Mossberg in blue for $75 at a garage sale. Next year, while painting it's replacement, I shot the old one with a coat of paint and sold it for $150.

Buy the black synthetic version.

Tear the gun down to basic parts, pump, receiver/stock, barrel, etc.
Lightly sand any plastic parts with 200 grit sand paper. Just scuff them up a bit.
Tape off any pieces that enter the action, like the action bars.
Cover all holes into the barrel, receiver and magazine tube.
Clean with rubbing alcohol to remove the grease and oil.
Shoot the gun with a coat of primer.
Shoot the gun with a coat or two of your favorite green camo paint.
Overlay a fern frond and lightly hit it with black paint.
Your done.

When it comes time to sell the gun, strip the paint with a toothbrush and paint thinner and either leave it clean, or shoot another coat of camo and start it's next owner out with a "fresh" gun.

If you scratch it, you can strip it EASILY, and redo the job. It makes the exterior rustproof if you do it before you hunt with the gun. I hunt salt water a fair amount, so I have dealt with rust in the past. Never an issue after I did the paint.

"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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