Why not have it both ways? Get yourself a .357 semi-auto like I did. Mine is made by Coonan Arms, is the size of a 1911 .45 and shoots flawlessly and accurately. They also make a compact version(Cadet) similar in size to the newer 1991 A1 version (Officer's Model). LAR Grizzly makes a .357 semi-auto, but it is a little big, and the Desert Eagle .357 auto is ridiculously huge. If you belong to or join the Washington Arms Collectors (WAC- you know, the Puyallup Gun show) you could probably find a Coonan if you looked hard, and work a swap for your Smith. Last time I was in Wade's Gun Shop in Bellevue (last fall) they also had a Coonan Cadet for sale in their used guns. Good luck.