I didn't write anything sarcastic and I didn't say anything about not including kids in the outdoor sport of hunting. And frankly this could be a very good debate about the age that a kid is mature enough to handle a gun even with an "adult" next to their side.
Our kids went every year from the time they were able to deal with the elements. But they didn't get to shoot until they were twelve. What's the hurry?
There were several references to age 10 and 12 in the responses and that is really one of my questions. There is a lot of difference in maturity levels between let's say 8 and 10 or 12 year old kids. I specifically referred to an 8 year old being able to pass a written test...the question had nothing to do with help with the course. It sounds as if the instructors vary the criteria. I would think that anyone who is going to be handling a gun on public visited property should be able to read the test to pass it without help unless disabled in some way.
And none of this has anything to do with being a good or bad human. Seems like someone was trying to convince me that they were really a good person.

I guess what it boils down to is that the "adult" is very responsible and watches a young kid every minute.
Educate us now.....what are the rules of the handling of the gun when one is not out hunting.