I showed up to the permit area where I have a cow tag for this month. As I was getting out of the truck, I saw 20+ elk file out of the cottonwoods about 150 yards away. Sure thing, I thought. I dove into the trees and worked my way around, only to find the elk were in the trees with me. I got to within 30 yards of them, but couldn't find a cow, for sure. After a 20 minute run through the woods, I finally got them out in the open, at about 80 yards, broadside and separated no less. I raised my shotgun AND I COULDN"T KEEP MY OPEN SIGHTS ON THE ELK CAUSE I WAS SUCKING WIND!!!!!! Oh well, I have help tomorrow.

P.S. I have a tag that is for the month of October, lest someone think I am hunting out of season.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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