By golly! What a bunch of Whiney PC'ers on here!
I could of just told the little munchkin to get of his ass and go find a spot but didn't, gave it to him the soft, quiet, gentle way.
Thats the problem with the rug rats these days they want all the rewards without the sweat!
At 14, I was running a trap line had a hound to chase and find the chewer's, cleaned two deer, raised two orphaned barn owls, watched the migration of waterfowl thru the end of my single shot 20 gauge.

I still stand by my original post, SCOUT! SCOUT! SCOUT! put down your nintendo games get off your butt and go stomp around the woods learn something! read a book, go to terra server and look at your area. There are many things you can do than just come on an internet site asking for handouts!

To you PC'ers POUND SAND! You make me sick!