Matt- I can understand your choice not to carry and can even sympathize with your concept that some people that carry are insecure and/or maybe even weak, small weiner-dogs. However, I know this does not apply to all carriers. Many are normal, calm, level headed family men/women, ex military or police, business men, amatuer boxer, school teacher, nurse, doctor, and manual laborer. Some view the world as a terrible, scary place with danger lurking at every dark street corner. Others view the world as a relatively calm, peaceful place to live with little or no threat of having to ever use their weapon in self-defense (me). Most of the guys I know that carry are not looking for someone to blow away because they cut them off in traffic, or because someone glared at them, or even punched them. They are not madmen running around looking for an opportunity to "kill" the metaphorical bully that beat them up and took their lunch money in 6th grade. They carry for two reasons. First, they choose to exercise their given right to carry a firearm as stated by the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution (if you belive in the Constitution, then you must concede that this is a right). Second, because they are realistic and pragmatic and know that having to use their weapon for self preservation is a possibility in our world (albeit a small probability). There is no doubt that there are nuts running around with conceled weapons permits. Are we all nuts? No. Are most of us nuts? No. What are we protecting ourselves from? Violent criminals, bears, cougars?? People that might hurt our loved ones? Maybe. All I know is that nobody, ever, will hurt my family or use deadly force against me, or subject me to a violent crime, without me using my full power to stop their behavior. If I can accomplish that with a stern glare, a kick to the nuts, or a right cross, fine? If not, they will have to either kill me or die trying. I belive it is a citizen's moral obligation to stand up against violence, for oneself, family members, or even strangers. If all citizens carried, ALL the time, habitually, then violent criminals would surely experience much difficult in preying upon the weak, innocent, or common man. I guarantee you would see rape and assault stats decrease radically. Yeah, you're right, I can go through my life and I will probably never have to use my weapon against a violent criminal. But, I am not going to become a crime statistic without doing everything in my power to prevent that. No woman ever expected to be raped. No man ever expected to be mugged or stabbed. I never expected to be assaulted with a club (true story) and I never expected it when the guy in the car next to me pointed a gun out the window at me FOR NO REASON other than to watch me hit the breaks and almost crash. Lucky for him and me he kept going while I stopped. Otherwise, there would have been a gunfight. People have different experiences that shape our perception of the world. To be honest, I haven't had a problem in over 10 years and probably never will again. I must of just had a couple of highly unusual experiences. But they're all unusual. I'm not taking any chances. So, I'll go about my life, being kind to all people, using my head, enjoying my life, living in peace and relaxed almost never even noticing the bulge in my shirt that has become as common as the feel of my wallet in my back pocket. I will play with kids, fish for steelhead, eat ice cream, exercise, go on vacation, and do everything any normal citizen does. And if I have to face that nightmare where killing someone is required for protection, then I will deal with that situation the best I can, and continue living a productive life. I doubt I've convinced you of the need to carry. In fact, I shouldn't have any influence over your opinions. However, maybe I have helped you see the "mentality" behind why people carry guns. I hope I didn't sound like I was ranting. If I did, I apologize in advance. Good luck to you. Brass