I wont defend it. I also dont understand why they need it. Feds have been paying someone in farming to grow or not grow something for a long time. Someone is picking winners and losers in farming. Coincidently, old Sam Donaldson had a sheep ranch and picked up some help. Kind of curious how much Ted Turner got for his buffalo ranch. I would have to wonder how much money the political parties are collecting. Maybe farmers are not the salt of the earth, we assumed. Its the rich who donate, not the poor. Not much difference than Solyndra.

There was a blog about the 15% ethanol issue and some guy who lives in the midwest, raises livestock, was complaining that ethanol subsidies were raising the cost of feed and land. He doesnt like it one bit.

I suspect a lot of it involves ethanol. In talking with a local food bank a couple years ago, it seems that more food gets shipped to the food banks, due to congressional help. In what form and how much is the question. Food banks have come a long way since the bread milk and cheese days, apparently. No issues with food banks, just the folks who can afford to pay and live off the charity of others.

But its also likely that any changes made to cut the costs of the program, will feature some republican with granny and a can of cat food, if Harry Reid can make it stick.

Whatever happens, it wont happen without Harry Reid. Who won Iowa in 2008?

What we need is a very clear picture of how it all works. Until you get exposure like the insider trading book, I doubt real change will happen.