I have been hunting a few areas close to home this week with my ML.

Had a nice shot on a 2-point at 35 yards, aimed for what I thought was the hair of his chest, pulled the trigger, only to see wood fly and the deer trot off while I reloaded. After getting another charge down, I went to where I had hit, only to find that there was an 8 inch thick log, "deer hair" brown in color, with a .54 cal hole in the front and chunk missing off of the side.

I checked for signs of blood in the direction of where the deer went, following in his footsteps. No blood for over 100 yards, then I see him stotting away, very strong, about 75 yards away, and he just kept on going into the heavy timber.

My first miss at a deer in 15 years. Go figure.

Anyway, since Sunday I saw 5 deer last night, and 7 tonight, hunting in the units between work and home. I have skipped lunch to get out a bit earlier, and I have had no issue finding deer. That "magic hour" really is true.

I saw one fawn tonight from about 40 yards, actually just his eye and an ear. I walked at an angle, not looking at him, towards him, but not directly to him. I got about 5 yards away, with a small hemlock between us. Too close for him. He jumped up, and then the deer just came out of the woodwork. Three does and 4 fawns bounded away, all from an area within 20 yards of this little guy I saw. What fun!

You won't get me back to Seattle to live ever. What a hole. I wonder how many folks get off work there, and can hunt or fish on the way home. Last year I shot an elk on my way home, two years before a deer. Sorry you all live there, just don't move here. wink

Looks like I'll have no issue getting a deer in the late hunt when it is "any deer".

Good luck to you all, hope you get one down.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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