Originally Posted By: AuntyM
Unless there is political pressure and some sort of financial incentive to bring jobs back that we've lost over the last couple of decades, we'll continue to support more and more poor.

They don't need more welfare and they don't need to contribute a pittance in taxes. They need to pay LOTS of taxes and that won't happen without decent jobs.

The dialog needs to take place, but it won't be taking place with Obama at the head of the table. It isn't just Republicans that won't work with him. Business won't either. With Romney, we have a better shot at getting big business to help out because even they will realize, if we can't afford their consumer goods, they won't see profits.

There is already movement in manufacturing jobs being brought back.
Your right we don't need people to pay a pittance in taxes we need people to pay lots of taxes. If people do not have money they cannot demand the goods and services that create JOBS, that is what creates jobs. Not tax cuts for corporations that are already making record profits.

Romney has a record of not creating jobs but personal income and leaving the tax payer with the bill so I don't see where he will be any different at getting big business to "help out".

NRA Life member

The idea of a middle class life is slowly drifting away as each and every day we realize that our nation is becoming more of a corporatacracy.

I think name-calling is the right way to handle this one/Dan S

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