I love to cut and paste a pertinent article, especially when it will
probably give a wedgie to those stuffed shirts that like to play
the 'original' game. Tell me something original.
It also gets a carbuncle on the butt for those that think their
libtarded poopoo don't stink.
Kinda like Romney saying the Palestinians (who are they) don't want
peace and taking a MSNBC rap on the knuckles for it. Keerist, Jimmys Carter's grandson is a source for the surrepticious video.
If the shoe was on the other foot the DNC would be yelling Watergate.
Tell it like it is and if you happen to be a Republican or a conservative you will be attacked by the talking heads and the media and the dimmies here. The shoutdown methodoligists.

btw, I don't claim an IQ of 148. It is probably higher seeing as
I am not deranged enough to be a Libtard. lol
Actually I attended an elementary and high school adjacent to EWCE
as it was known in those days. The college had essentially ran
the elementary and it was called the Lab. School. It was. All the
education majors did much of their class room work in the various
grades at the Lab. School. I was, along with the rest of the kids,
given a couple of IQ tests, thus the scores. They are written in
the grade sheets from those times in my personal records. The 148
came from secondary school. Again, I have paper. However,
cerebral decay seems pretty common here and elsewhere in this
country so I probably am no smarter than some of the buttholes
Original enough for you?
Carry on.