Originally Posted By: Tom Joad
Why people expect to put a food source in the middle of coyote habitat and then fault the coyote for doing what comes naturally is beyond me. I have a farm too everything is properly penned and I have not lost an animal in years. I have cats and we only let them out when someone is outside. Primarily because they kill all the songbirds. The coyotes ,bobcats, bears are in balance. Killing them because you fail to manage your farm stock is old school and unneeded. I try to fit into my habitat not alter it unnecessarily. It's different if you run cattle or sheep it's in reasonable to expect someone to pen stock from wolves on that scale. Specifically when there were no wolves when they started the operation.

You have your style of operation, I have mine. I make no apologies. I find that taking two coyotes a year usually does a pretty good job of removing the threat from my property for 8-12 months.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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