Originally Posted By: stam
The only thing I would have done differently than wilson would to have kicked leeches ass before I left.

hmmm, now I wonder if anyone will be left on the team by the time the apple cup rolls around.

This is probably the first time I've felt compassion for the cougars, it's a shame. The guy is an asshole.

Wilson quit this summer too and had to be begged back by Jeff Tuell. If you can't hack it at Pullman you won't make it in the NFL. Part of the problem is that the previous regime coddled some of these guys and now that they have been challenged all year to work harder some are folding. I'm not going to say that I would do things the way Leach has but I will say this: he has not at any time singled any player out and said they were not good enough to play. He has kept it about the collective group and the message has been the same, the effort to improve has not been there.