Originally Posted By: Todd
docspud, I'll answer your question when you find where I even mentioned the "death tax".

Until then you can answer my question.

JTD, those who whine about the high costs of benefits, yet seek out jobs that offer those very same high cost benefits are hypocrites.

Either seek out jobs with no benefits in order to save all the rest of us money, or STFU.

Fish on...


As an employer I should seek out a job that doesn't pay benefits or STFU

huh... Still doesn't make sense.

Now call me stupid and insult my mom- that would be the only acceptable response in lieu of an answer and it is what I come to expect on The Darkside.
In the legend of King Arthur, the Fisher King was a renowned angler whose errant ways caused him to be struck dumb in the presence of the sacred chalice. I am no great fisherman, and a steelhead is not the covenant of Christ, but with each of these fish I am rendered speechless.