i was buying ammo at Bens Loan when i saw that S-Glass, it had an Ambassaduer 5000 on it and the price was 50.00.... i went home and told my dad i saw it, and his eyes widened up and was like "REALLY?"... so i went an bought it for him, he was planning on taking it with him on Christmas Day of 05 (he had been on vacation) for his float trip down the Duc with a family friend and co worker.... he was really looking forward to using that rod...

problem was, he didnt make it to the 25th... 2 years later i landed that Silver (told ya the pic was old), biggest Silver caught out of that river... it was rather interesting fighting that fish on that rod, being it only an 8' 8-12... but i did, and that was the point that i decided i should really be using this rod, and not letting it just sit there... so i mess with it quite a bit now...