make sure you clean the sh!t out of your barrel after shooting rock salt... more so than you would regularly...

when i was staying at my friends, they had this huge aluminum "barn" was more like a 10 car garage without doors tho... anyways, the stupid starlings or sparrows or whatnot would build nests up on the rafters and sh!t over all of our stuff in there... so i would take my 3 inch shells (all i had at the time), and open them up and dump probably 3/4s of the shot out and close it back up... when you shoot it, its almost like just a popper, and the pellets will kill the nests and birds....

until the one time rofl

we were down working on a few bikes and such, well came down one morning and there was sh!t all over parts, and the bikes and such, so i told Jake to go grab the Mossy and a shell... we were kinda pissed and i was like we will get rid of em, dont worry about it... so i opened the shell up and emptied some out...

well, "some" wasnt enough...

we saw 2 good sized nests (they were building them out of mud and crap on the sides of the rafters), shouldered the gauge, and let her go... KABOOOOOOM!!!

dust and feathers and sh!t was flying all over the barn... i looked at Jake with a kinda "holy sh!t" look on my face, and we both immeadiately started cracking up laughing...

we started using a pellet gun after that....