Thanks for the input. Yes,the Nooksack was open last year for Chinook, but not this year. It was a good year for all species, coho,chum and chinook.
Bellingham VoTech has a hatchery program on Whatcom Creek and they release a lot of Chum, Steelhead,Chinook and Coho. There are quite a few pens spread out in the harbor and in the bay from time to time. There are also pens around the docks at Cherry Point,(this makes for good sport fishing and a lot of the old timers fly fish for the silvers here) They raise mostly coho for the gill netters.The Lummis were up inside of Sandy Point a couple years ago w/ gills nets in the channel.It is almost impossible to get them to take a hook in the bay. Sports(?) fisherman do snag a lot of the returning fish in the Whatcom Creek waterway behind the post office and a few make it up the fish ladders. It will be interesting year for Whatcom Creek since the fire ravaged the creek, but life is coming back to the vegitation and they bypassed the water flow around part of the saturated river beds.